
Welcome to my blog ! My name is Wasim Abbas, and I have taught for five years, most recently in third grade. I've also taught second, fourth, and fifth graders. I am currently taking a year off from teaching to blog and create educational resources full time.

With this blog, I hope to give other developer fresh ideas and strategies to build such a nice blog. I hope to share my thinking with you, to help you strengthen your own and that of your friends. I especially love development and searching, and helping you build blogger ,searcher and writers who think boldly and deeply.

Besides blogging and creating resources, I also love playing multiple games, iced coffee, playing cricket.

Why the 'About Us' Page Rocks: It shows some personality. 

You’re not like everyone else -- so why should you sound the same as everyone else? Stand out with an 'About Us' page that shows off who you really are.

If you need to contact me please email me at theblackangel143s@gmail.com.

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